Waiting for Another Storm

December 26, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

In the midst of a busy holiday season and major crowds converging on Southern Utah, I’ve been waiting for another winter storm to roll through.  Storms tend to create two important elements.  First, in heavily visited locations (like Zion NP) the storms significantly thin the crowds out and with a little effort one can still find some peace and quiet.  Second, in the high desert, winter storms produce some of the most compelling scenes.  More specifically, as they approach and as they break the light can be exquisite.  Not that I need these conditions to make an image but lately being out in nature and experiencing these times is motivation to actually point a camera at something that's meaningful.

Increasingly my compositions have narrowed and have become more reflective of feelings I had at the time.  Here's to another storm...preferably before the new year!

On to WhovilleOn to WhovilleUntracked washes in Zion after a good snowstorm always leaves interesting landscapes. Experiencing these quiet times and translating them into something thats personally meaningful is often the goal.



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