The Close of a Season

April 28, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

As my time in the high desert comes to a close, I’m reminded of the moments and opportunities that presented themselves this season.  From the depths of the gypsum dunes in White Sands National Park, the 40+ days spent in Zion all the way to the disappointment of not being selected for an artist in residency program.  I wouldn’t trade them for anything.  An extraordinary winter and spring with dramatic storms, red rock covered in snow, and the desert coming alive with various blooms and towering waterfalls.  Most certainly nature graced the desert this season!

I was fortunate to be able to point my camera at some of what nature provided. With some success, I came away with what I believe are some of my most compelling and artistic images to date.  With that came other opportunities. Including representation at a local gallery, new acquaintances and plenty of artistic inspiration along the way.  All of which I’m thankful for.

Signs of LifeSigns of Life Monetizing my creative pursuits in Utah more formally however has raised important questions.  Questions about motivations and why I choose to spend my time on photography the way I do.  Ultimately it comes down to having a creative outlet that keeps my mind and body active.  That presents problems and forces new and unique solutions.  It puts me in places at moments where sometimes the beauty of what I’m witnessing cannot adequately be explained or described with words. It also offers personal challenges from navigating a mud choked dirt road miles from the closest help to confronting the silence (and sometimes painful loneliness) of the deserts.  If the images I create adequately convey these concepts and tell these and other stories I consider them a success and I feel a deep sense of accomplishment.  In the event they come alive to someone else (beyond a cursory, “oh that’s a pretty picture”) or they resonate in some way that’s entirely different than the intended purpose then that’s a bonus.  To think that someone would see the beauty of an image, appreciate it enough to part with a sum of money I suppose is quite rewarding in and of itself.  In the final analysis however, it has very little to do with the importance of photography to me personally.

So as I digest what I’ve taken from my time this season in the high deserts I point myself north.  To new experiences, opportunities, immersions in nature and spending time with the people and places that I love.  See you soon Montana!



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